Monday 29 June 2009


It was very hot again today - but then we are in summer in the South of France and we would all be complaining if it wasn't hot - so I shall stop writing about it - but it was hot, 36 degrees by most estimates.

It didn't stop the crazy English guy (me) and the crazy Irish guy (Patrick) going out on our bikes this afternoon for a pretty full-on 90 minute cycle. Today we headed west out of Carcassonne before cutting back across country to meet the canal and then back along the towpath. We are always looking for new routes, especially those that avoid the traffic and the main roads. By heading west first we had to endure the headwind on our outward journey rather than when we have turned for home, which is a damn sight easier to cope with.

It was probably way too hot to be doing such things but then the Tour de France boys will be setting off at the weekend and they will make us look like the complete amateurs that we are.

This morning was mostly about ironing - what else is there to say - it has to be done and it was done but there is still more as a result of the very busy week just gone.

My American guests also checked out early because they were worried about driving their hire car back to Montpellier and finding the airport all on the same day. It is of course entirely up to them and just means that I have their washing already done and hung up to dry (more ironing) and one less breakfast to do in the morning.

More importantly, I am almost besides myself with excitement this week at the thought of Debrah arriving here on Friday with Christian and Amy arriving on Wednesday. After a very busy month here running the business it will be fabulous to see everyone and get away for a week. I would like to think that I won't have to get up to make a breakfast, that the kids might spontaneously do that - but I am not kidding myself at all and I know I will be up making a breakfast tray for Debrah - after all she deserves it just as much as I do.

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