Wednesday 1 October 2008

Forward Planning

I've done something to my left shoulder - not sure what though. I think I must have slept on it in an awkward sort of way late last week and it's been getting worse ever since - as I try to compensate for it I think I am making it worse. It's rubbish having your wife in a different country half the time - no sympathy and no massage - but then it might not have been a sympathy and massage giving day anyway - you never can tell until you ask!

Debrah had some good news though - Christian has got a college place this year after all. He will have to work a bit to catch up because he is starting late and he better not let down all the people that have made this happen for him - but the opportunity is fantastic and I'm sure he'll make the most of it.

All of which might mean an opportunity for Debrah and I to spend a bit more time in the same country, same place, at the same time, together. It's all still a bit too soon to start celebrating as we need to work out a number of things to do with property (market dead) and Christian (fees and place to live to sort out), but at least it gives us something to work with and start planning ahead.

Talking of planning ahead, my lovely Irish guests who bought me the chocolates yesterday and for whom I cooked dinner this evening, have decided that they would like to book both the suites for Bastille Day in 2010 - next year is already booked, so they have gone for the year after!

We haven't quite got round to relaunching the website with next years prices (imminent) and I've only just set up all my booking sheets for next year, never mind the year after.

Still, it sounds good to say that we are booked out for Bastille Day until 2011.

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