Thursday 27 November 2008

New Bar

The problem with the difficult tenant isn't resolved and is probably going to run and run.

Last night I accompanied Brigitte whilst she attempted to both smooth the ground and also to tell him what is and what isn't acceptable. He was extremely surly and very uncooperative throughout the entire conversation and nothing was resolved. To make matters worse, the owner of the apartment is so far removed from Carcassonne and the day to day reality that they can't form an opinion or take sides from a distance, which is to be expected I guess.

Sadly, we also found out that the studio that was for sale upstairs has been sold - thus scuppering our next move in the master plan of acquiring all the other apartments in the building. There may have to be a drastic re-think.

This evening I ventured down to the new Irish bar - Debrah didn't fancy it so stayed at home - and realised how much the town has been missing a good bar. It reminded me that a lot of the people I now know in this town I originally met in the old Irish bar or met through people I was introduced to at the bar - including Patrick, the new owner.

So, I chatted with Patrick and his lovely Mum and Dad and then with Dutch Rob, who owns a book shop in Montolieu (I haven't seen him for over a year) and with Brigitte and a girlfriend of hers (they drank Guinness with strawberry sirop - bizarre) and with Bob and David (but not Pierre because he was down in Narbonne with one of his girlfriends) and with Lesa (who I haven't seen for a month since she went back to Australia) and naturally with Susan who is now running the bar and with Gary who is manning the door.

I am very pleased for Patrick - it's a good bar and does what good bars do - brings people together - and of course I will have somewhere new to send our guests next year.

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