Wednesday 3 September 2008

Not venturing out today

It's been one of those days when I haven't actually been outside, which always leaves me feeling a bit stir crazy - pacing about the apartment and, as the day goes on, looking for an excuse to venture out. In fact I can always think of reasons to venture out but always decide that there is something else I should be doing here that is more important - which is very annoying - where did this responsibility towards business and clients come from?

I didn't venture out to the boulangerie this morning because my Aussie guests hadn't touched the viennoiserie the day before and I thought I would just give them some toast alongside the fruit. They were very happy with my choice and ate the lot.

They departed fairly early - I hadn't even had time to have a cup of coffee and a bit of breakfast myself before they rang the doorbell and handed back the key - which left me in a dilemma about finishing breakfast or getting in their room and starting to change it over - I left my breakfast and got to it.

I needed to get on with it because new guests were arriving later in the day but their arrival time was a bit vague - so room ready asap was the order of the day. It was all done by midday and a bit and so I had time to check my emails and send some answers and think about the ironing pile.

I didn't venture out for lunch to the square, despite an offer from Chris and Patrick, because I thought I should hang around for new guests and use up food that I had at home. So I put some spaghetti on to boil and cut up some tomatoes and got some oil and basil and parmesan and anchovies and salt and pepper and tossed it all together and put it in a a bowl, with the weekend's FT ready for some catching up on articles that Debrah said I should read. I was just about to sit myself down when the doorbell went.

My new guests had arrived by car from Nimes - they are London types working in local government and marketing - and my lunch was cold by the time I had showed them around and had a chat and answered their immediate questions - c'est la vie.

I ate my lunch anyway and then set about the ironing mountain, which took me through to the end of the afternoon - back aching - still more to do - but a job well done nonetheless. The guests told me they were going out for a drive and asked if it would be OK to have canapes and drinks at 7.30 - of course.

I thought about venturing out before client duties but it suddenly looked very stormy and I talked myself out of it. So I made some lists - shopping list for dinner tomorrow night and shopping list for my dad's 80th birthday weekend coming up and seeing my girls for the first time in far too long.

My client said that his parents owned a house in Condom and then, that I was the first person that hadn't laughed out loud when told or made a smutty remark. Is everybody really that childish? Yes they are - but I stifled my stupid snigger, thank god.

They eventually went to eat. at my restaurant recommendation, and left me to my evening. I thought about venturing out - but to be honest, by now, I couldn't be arsed.

So here I am, still at home - everything is sorted and under control - life is good.

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