Tuesday 9 September 2008


My new Australian guests continued to test me this morning, with a barrage of questions about the internet connection, the post office, a lighter duvet, borrowing the iron and ironing board and a physiotherapist at short notice because the daughter had injured her shoulder getting their bags out of the car.

All of which I solved for them - even the physio, appointment tomorrow at 2pm - but they did rather put me behind schedule for the day such that it was almost lunchtime when I had finished at the market and I hadn't even had breakfast - poor me!

After the fabulous sunshine of yesterday, I awoke to a very dull and grey sky - I say awoke but awakened would be a better description - nobody was allowed to sleep in as the starling frightener was launching his rockets all over town from about 7.00am onwards - he should charge extra for the by-product of getting all the kids to school on time and everyone to work.

We had the briefest of showers this morning, which seemed to deposit more sand than it did water! Afterwards, my lovely shiny Audi, which I washed just last week, couldn't have looked more grubby if I had driven it through a mud swamp, which just proves that car washing is a pointless exercise in preening.

Later in the day I spent some painful time trying to translate the tariff and list of services available from the beauty salon on the ground floor of the building. We want to include, on our website, the option of booking beauty treatments - all well and good. However, being a down to earth man, I don't understand what goes on in beauty salons even when it is described in English so I had no chance of translating it from the French into any meaningful list of treatments - it's all double dutch to me in either language.

I shall send my strange list to Debrah who will no doubt tell me what is what and I will be none the wiser - although the list of 'epilation' (hair removal) techniques and body parts is a bit scary.

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