Thursday, 29 November 2007

Clunch crunch

I just knew we were going to run out of that paint - the paint we have used for all the ceilings throughout all the three apartments. It's a Farrow & Ball paint named 'clunch' and it is just perfect as a ceiling colour for these rooms. Today I painted the office and hallway ceiling in the main apartment and the hallway and mezzanine bedroom ceiling in the studio - all look great as always - but I am now down to the last third of a tin and will definitely need at least one more to finish.

It's not a disaster but will mean some re-jigging of work. Ideally, I'd like to do all the ceilings first but as I won't get the new tin of paint down here until just before Christmas, when I drive down from London (paint being 50% cheaper in the UK than it is in France, for some reason), I'll have to finish all the wall and woodwork painting first - oh well.

Apart from the painting, I put a second coat of varnish on the new vanities and did a bit of tidying up in advance of Debrah's arrival tomorrow.

After yesterday's momentous news of our first booking enquiry (they still haven't confirmed) came the news that my London job received it's first sales order today - it may only be 100 units but it is confirmation that there is a market for the product. We never doubted it but as we are currently seeking a third round of funding it is very timely assurance for our investors - so get your cheque books out boys - I need paying.

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