Saturday 2 May 2009


What an idiot I am to give myself a dose of food poisoning.

After a long day continuing to get the new Master suite ready and changing the Apartment suite, also for new guests today, I decided i was going to have a quiet night in, a bit of supper and early to bed. Today was going to be busy with market and new guests and some cooking that I was planning to do.

It was all going to plan until I awoke in the middle of the night with excruciating stomach pain and I'm sure I don't need to spell out the rest. It was all going to plan until I used the wrong pot of cream in my dinner - the one that was a bit old and had been open for a while. Idiot.

It's a good lesson about throwing away old stuff and regularly checking the fridges and thank God it was just me that was affected and not the guests. In fact that wouldn't happen with the guests because all their food is fresh and it's me that hates to throw away the leftovers and always tries to use them up - there is a limit though as I found out last night.

I felt drained first thing and felt worse as the morning went on. I didn't get everything I needed from the market because I kept having to come home ! After the Spanish guests checked out I collapsed for an hour of sleep before an airport run to collect one set of new guests and fortunately the other guests arrived soon afterwards.

I had eaten nothing, had a splitting headache from dehydration and couldn't even drink water - I retreated back to bed for the afternoon which is when I should have been making some new batches of strawberry compote and granola and trying out a new onion compote recipe that I recently came across. The strawberries are starting to go off - I hope they can hang on until the morning or else they will also be thrown away.

This evening I made canapés for the guests and we had a chat over a glass of wine - they had a glass of wine. Nobody commented that I wasn't eating or drinking - I wonder if they actually noticed.

Finally they departed to their chosen restaurants for dinner and I am back in bed - feeling a bit more stable but aching and tired. Fingers crossed that all will be back to normal by morning because I have to cook dinner for them all tomorrow evening.

Lesson learned.

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